Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thadadear de Orion: Invaders in the Mist

It was not long after the moot that I got word from a shaman from the wolf shrine about a particular incident that had happened. Most members of the Wolf Shrine had come to me over the years when they needed advice. While they communed with the spirits directly, they found to be the Wolf's Champion here on the physical plane. At first I was unnerved by this, but my determination to live up to people's expectations led me to find this very enduring in the end. I welcomed Shaman Gamli when he brought me the news. Valda an apprentice havrouns, the warrior shamans, was found in a death like sleep in the middle of the forest. He was concerned as they could not awaken her. He believed that only a flower called the Winter Sage could awaken her at this point, but was concerned that the only place for it to grow was in the cave where the grawl worshiped their demons from the underworld.

Grawl were always primitive creatures, similar to the Char in the great age of Man, they were barbaric and savage. While the Char have since grown to be civilized, the Grawl were still wild and savage. They worshiped idols in their dark cave. There were even rumors of their success with terrible consequences. Summoning demons or elementals who would then turn on the foolish Grawl. There were times that I felt sorry for them.

Gamli warned me of the flower's delicacy and the urgency of the need for it and I found my self quickly fighting the Grawl to get to the flower. Wolf must have been with me this day as I was able to get to the flower and back to Hoelbrack with out much interference. Though my hard work was reward if for the meek idol worship I had for Eir Stegalkin. She had come to join in the vigil over Valda. I felt a bit foolish in her presence. I admired her greatly and even fashioned wearing my hair in the same style in her honor. I had met her a few times after the great wolf had brought me home in my youth, and my awe struck admiration was still flourishing in me.

"She says she came by to observe you," Gamli had explained after I presented him the flower I had fought for. "but Wolf wishes her to be here."

"I'm sure Valda appreciate her vigil as well." I mentioned, fear of shame rattled my voice as I spoke.

"I'm sure she does as well." Eir said as she slapped me on the shoulder. "I see you've added a new title to your ranks Wolf Rider. I heard the slaying of Issomir had went well."

"Yes, though I wasn't alone."

"Modest too!" She laughed, but the laughter was short lived. Her voice turned to a more serious tone as she continued. "But enough about the honors and titles, how is our friend doing"

Gamli shook his head.

"The sage should calm her down, but she has been slipping in and out of consciousness, raving about spirit world" He said solemnly. "She has mentioned on more then one occasion that the are invaders there."

"Can her ravings have any meaning? Only shamans and havrouns can freely travel there." Eir asked, there was worry in her voice.

"Couldn't another havroun help us? Surely if there are invaders they would need to be warned as well."

"Svena is a friend of mine. She is also the Havroun of the Snow Leopard. I am cretin she will help."

I could see a spark ignite in Eir, could the threat of dangers in the mist pull the great Eir Stagalkin out of the lackluster life she had lead since her return from the Destiny's Edge dissolved.

"I shall go and asked her for her help." I heard my self say.

"As shall I. No one  could say no to the two of us." She said with a smile.

I feel ashamed that I felt giddy upon leaving the lodge. I felt I was dreaming to be able to work with Eir on anything. It was truly an honor. Though I tried my best to focus on the task at hand, and hurried towards the Snow Leopard's shrine. Thankfully it was the closets of all the shrines and the journey was fast.

"Eir Stegalkin! Good to see you again. And you've brought the Slayer of Issormir. I'm honored by your visit." Svena said as we approached.

"The honor is mine, though I wish the circumstances were more favorable. We need your help Svena." I pleaded.

"If the great Wolf Rider has come to me for help then what I fear is true. The wolf Shrine has been shrouded in dread since the past night."

I nodded as Eir and I explained about Valda and her ravings. Svena listened patiently to our tale, the worry was written on her face.

"I see. I can take you into the mist, but it will be dangerous. I would need you to protect me while we're in the mists as well or there will be now way for us to return. If you are ready, I shall open the portal."

I was surprised as Eir and I spoke in unison. "I'm ready!"

The Havroun smiled and turned to open the portal. The mists did not see very different then our own world. I felt the cold chill of the world surround me though it may have been the chill of though that I was in world that housed the great spirits. I could almost feel the eyes of the Great Wolf watching me close by as noises carried up the rocky road towards us.

"Wurm's blood! Sons of Svanir in the spirit world? Impossible!" I heard Svena cry. "It's no good! We're too vulnerable here. I'm taking us back to the waking world." She said as she dropped to one knee.

It was at this time that I realized that portal had already closed. If she needed the time to concentrate, I was to be sure I would give it to her. My blade through the air cutting down any of the vile Sons that came near me. I lost track of time as they came at me, but Svena cry that the portal was open, and Eir's gentle tug, brought me back to my senses. We darted through the portal again to the physical realm.

"That was too close." Svena cried catching her breath. "I've never seen anything like this. Jormag isn't a Spirit of the Wild. Its followers should not be able to enter the spirit world, even if they call themselves "shamans.""

"That could be what Valda was going on about. It makes perfect sense. If she and her master Solvi were attacked while they were in the Spirit Realm, that would explain everything." Eir mused.

"If the Sons of Svanir are in the spirit realm, Valda is fighting them all by her self. We need to go back!" I cried.

"Peace, Thad, we'll go back and again, but we must think this through." Eir said laying her hand on my shoulder.

I gave a weak nod as Svena chimed in. "I'm no match for this task. You would need a more experienced Havroun to guide you into the mist again."

" the Havroun of Bear, as Bear is the greatest of all the spirtits, surely her havroun will be able to help us." Eir suggested. 

"I hope so." I muttered, "I do not wish to delay, lets us go to her and ask."

Eir smiled and nodded, we would need as much help as we could if we were to face this threat. I had only hoped we would make it in time. 

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