Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lupp McGinnis: Gimme a Friggen Drink

As a member of the Blood Legion we are taught that live ammunition is for live targets, yet we ignore that to face ghosts.  Our superiors focus on these false threats while ignoring the real one.  Hence, the only spirits I care for are the ones I can hold in my hand and drink down my gullet. 

We are in an arms race with the other races and we are losing our lead.  The other races with their false gods and sciences have been developing weapons of war. Call me a gladium like my father (to my face if you are really brave), but I do not want the Char to be left behind, so I left the Black Citadel and headed for Rata Sum.  The Asurans seem to be closest to overtaking us so I decided to go there to investigate their cult.  And within 10 minutes of getting there met this annoying kid.

"It's half passed noon and I'm sober, I heard this is a college town, where's the Pub"  That was me by the way.

"I believe there is one downstairs"  This snot nosed kid said to me.

"Thanks, you wanna direct me to the local College" I figured from her youthful features and her holier than thou appearance that she was a student, and high ranking one at that, "I need to study some explosives"

"Which College? There are three of them here. I am part of the College of Statics. I am on my way there now if you care to join me."

"Thank you kindly," I let myself slip "I also have to look into this Eternal Alchemy cult"

"It is not a cult" The girl spoke up in a huff.

"As a race the Char are practically experts on false gods, I don't care if your a freakin cultist or not but I need to study some of the finer points of your munitions"  I may not have been as sober as I thought I was.  The Girl probably thought I was a spy or something.

"You want see explosions?" she said sternly eyeing me carefully. "Fine, come with me." She headed towards the college, I followed and was shocked and disgusted by what I found.

"A friggin science fair"

"Not just any science fair, this is the coveted Snaff Prize. My krew are one of the top contenders this year." she said excitedly. 

"Whatever go show off your play volcano and get it over with," I reached for my flask, suckling it like a babe for drops of liquid sanity.

She didn't make a play volcano, she made a item for finding magical frequencies.  After finding an egg and a severed head, two ingredients for an ago old Char hangover remedy, she found a earth golumn and I finally got to shoot something.  I think the judges called me belligerent, I was just having a good time.  Flask in my right hand shotgun in my left, shooting that thing was the most fun I had all day.

Afterwards she drug me all over the place for her little project.  At one point at my urging we stopped to "help" some researchers being plagued by the local terrorist organization.  I was told afterwards I shot the most terrorists all day, in the mean time I was just picking the workers off at random and apparently getting lucky.  Still was a nice way to blow off some steam.  Now if I could just get past helping this girl with her "Science project" I could get to figuring out this dang weapons crisis.

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