Saturday, September 15, 2012

Nefidean: Pain Tolorence

I had been called away from Queensdale after the trial to investigate some of the disturbances that have been happening in the Metrica Province. The Asura must have been desperate as they rarely ask for help from outsiders like humans. Though the request did not come from an Asura but a few tradesmen from Queensdale that was asking the Seraph for extra guard while the passed through the province. Rough Golems and Inquest Attacks have made the trading routes to Desider Atum, Artergon Woods and the outer labs near impossible.

The Seraph had enough on their hands with our own problems with centaurs and bandits. I volunteered to look into the situation for them. I admit that I had my own concerns about the area. Luptree had stated he was heading there a few days ago on a whim. He mentioned something about kindergartners and an Arcade he wanted to visit. I could only guess what he meant by that, but with the news of the disturbances I was worried about him. He had a knack for causing trouble.

I had never used the Asura gates before. I had hear about them, and have seen them before on my way to make reports to Captain Thackeray. I was given in instructions on how to get to Rata Sum via the means of Lions Arch, but I admit that I was a bit nervous about trying them for the first time. I remembered stepping into to the large circle with the purple glow. The first steps inside made my skin prickle be fore a force drew me through the empty void of space. When I gained my bearings I found my self in Lion's Arch. The salty sea winds filled the winds and the hot sun beat down on me. It would been very relaxing if I had not found my stumbling down the ramp from the gate, nauseous and light headed. I could hear a few passer by snicker and mutter, but I made it towards the second Gate near to Divinity's Reach's gate.

The second trip still stole the breath from me, but it was not as nauseating as the first trip. I suppose it takes some getting used to, but Rata Sum soon made me forget the way my body felt. I am an Elmentalest, I control the elements with the magic I was born with, but the sheer sight of Ratam Sun was beyond my imagination. Neon colored lights and the sounds of Machinery filled the air. Items would float around on mechanical devices, and Golems patrolled the grounds. I looked over the railing near where gates stood and had to catch my breath. The whole city floated off the ground.

It took me some time to regain my composure, but when I did I was able to make my way to the final portal and finally I was on firm and solid ground again. Air was humid around me and the buzz from the golems were lost in the buzz from the insects that flew about. It was not a pleasant place to be in, at least for me. The Asura seemed to be content. There were a few who were running about between the basic labs that were just out side the gate, and at first glance the area seemed to be well protected. I made small talk between a few of the Krews to find out where help would be needed most. A general consensuses pointed towards A complex in the north east that was run by the Inquest.

It did seem like a good place to start off with. The Inquest, as Countess Anise had explained, were the cost of a recent surge of Malfunctioning Golems that attacked the city a few days before. They also seemed to be the source of many of the isolated instances around the province. Rooting them out at the heart of the problem could bring a lasting peace to the Province.

I made my long trek up towards the eastern corner of the province, helping those who I could along the way. But I was not prepared for the attack that laid in front of me when I reached the complex. The Inquest was just as brilliant in their own way as the Asuras who attended the three colleges that formed their "religion". They were well fortified, and their technology and Golems were tough.  I pushed my way through their ranks trying to find my way to the reactor at the end of the complex. The maize of halls and winding stairs lead no where, and at the top of the last Stair well I came face to face with a trio of inquest lackeys who over whelm me.

My final attack must have defeated them as I still breath. Though I did not remain conscious to see it. When I came to, I was surprised to see Luptree near by. Had he come by chance, or had he known I was in danger. A quick check of his vitals proved that he was in the same situation as me, he was knocked down weather by attacks or fatigue. A strange notion of him just laying down to take a nap had entered my mind as this seemed to be something he would do.

"Wake up Luptree." I said softly trying to shake him.

I wonder if I had kept quiet if they would have notice us still but the Inquest started to make their rounds again.

"Luptree...wake up" I muttered again with more urgency. Grabbing my staff and preparing to battle.
They came on strong, and I felt my self getting overwhelmed.

"WAKE UP!" I heard my self scream as I pushed them back with a fire attack.

Luptree woke up and jumped to his feet. A flurry of spells came from him and soon there were more of us then there were of them. I admitted I love the spell in situations like this. Soon the air fell silent and only the two of us remained. "So we meet again!" Lutptree exclaimed.

"That we do." I said plainly. "What are you doing here?" 

"The usual, traveling, I'm going to need to get moving again soon, I'm a little too close to Mommy and I really don't want her finding me" He said in his normal nonchalant manner. 

"You mean the Pale Tree." I asked.

Dwayna forgive me I think I was finally getting used to the way he spoke about the his people.

"Yes her. I spent my entire life inside her head, I don't want to go back."

"I don't think it works...."

"Ok, so a telepathic tree with a city in her innards and penchant for giving random thoughts and figments life."

"Fine." I said shortly. He obviously not going to get it.

"So where are you going?" He asked me curiously.

"I'm finishing here, then we'll see. Maybe Hoelbra, maybe I'll head to the grove since you don't seem to want help your own people."

The sting I had thrown had not seemed to effect Luptree. He just shrugged it off. "You can do that on your own. It's too cold for my taste." He said with a bow. "Till we meet again." 

I watched him for a way before I turned on my own way. There were still many things for me to do here before I could rest. I had a feeling though that if I needed the help, Luptree would some home find a way to come to my aid, and I was sure he would be able to take care to take care of himself. We would meet again. I was sure of it. 

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