Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lotus DeFlore: Inquest

"Damn Golems!" I cursed ducking under another shock attack before clacking it in the back with one of my wrenches. "Does any one know  what is going on yet?!" I screamed pulling the goggles off of my eyes.

My Krew was silent, they were either two busy dealing with the golems near them, or just didn't know any better. The golems had been going berserk for about twenty minuets now and there seemed to be no end to them.

"When I find the idiot who caused this mess their going to wish they never picked up a hammer by the time I'm done with them." I growled again before be thrown back again by a small explosion one of the golems gave off.

This of course only added to my irritation as I dusted the dust from my jerkin. The rest of the room seemed to be under control at this point and it was about time. A few of my Krew started heading out of the room in to the open court yard beyond. I was no fool, if more golems arrived, it would be better as a group then to take them on my self. I fallowed. The sun was just passing behind the hills that surrounded the Metrica Province but the area was bright as day between the glow of the golems and the inevitable shut down that caused them to spark and explode. Despite the dangers of the rampaging golems, i still get a little giddy every time something explodes. Doubly so when it happens to be such a damnable machine gone haywire.

I saw a few of my colleagues surrounding a Peacemaker. "Please, tell me you have some idea what's going on." I asked a bit annoyed.

The Peacemaker looked up at me shook her head. "Nothing for certain." She confessed. "Zojja is trying to get through the gate that keeps pushing out these monstrosities. She believes that this all the Inquest's doing."

I gritted my teeth and scrunched up my face. "That would explain quite a few things. Where is she at now? I'll be glad to lend a hand."

The Peacemaker directed me to the gate that was linked to where the golems were created. She didn't need to tell me twice. If the inquest was involved, I would need something more then a mere wrench to fend them off. I felt my side, making sure my gun was still there. I hadn't used it in a while, last time was when some Skritt tried to nick my parts for an experiment I was working on. That had to be a few months ago, and  Skritts were not the same as an Asura Inquest lackey. Part of me wondered if I would even be able to hold a gun to them... I mean Inquest or not, they were still Asura, I would be taking the life of a great mind. I pushed that thought aside. They couldn't be that smart if they aligned themselves with the Inquest. Their minds were not a terrible thing to waste.

As I made my way closer to the gate I saw a clash of golems and other Asura clustered around the gate already. I could already see the glowing blue trade marks of Zojja and her golem dancing about the field. I braced my self to enter the fray but just like that the fighting stopped. "Now let's go see who decided to complicate my day and ruin theirs." Zojja shouted triumphantly before darting into the glowing gate behind her.

Other's followed closely behind. I hurried after them as quick as my little legs could carried me. I was determined to make use of myself, as well as get a little payback.

I must have missed something big by the time I stepped through the gate. Zojja was huffing and spouting off some words to a black haired Asura that was hurrying away form the other side of the room. She seemed to have been the ring leader of the whole attack. I did not like the way she was hurrying away. It did not seem like a departure of retreat, but more of a "I just laid a really big trap and I don't want get caught up in it too." sort of way. As I came to the center of the room with the rest of my colleagues as the last of the inquest were taken down. Some of them gave a short of vicotry, but they were cut short in their rejoicing when the floor started to shake. "What's going on?" I could hear a younger Asura say close by.

"It's a trap!" I heard some one else scream in a panic, as others started to run around in chaos.

"Calm down!" I heard my self cry reaching for my gun. "No use panicking until we know what we are up against."

As if to answer my cry a giant stone golem came out from the ground. "Can we panic now!?" I heard some one ask amongst the cries.

I glowered in the direction the voice came from before turning back to the creature in front of me. "Behold!" The black haired Asura cried. "My Prototype X!"

I fired a few rounds from my pistol into the golem. It barely made a dent. "What are you waiting for!!" I cried to the other Asura. "Attack!"

A few of them gained their senses and started to fight back with me. Volleys of fire and sparks pelted the golem form all sides. Others Engineers went at it with their own guns and wrenches. What seemed like an eternity flew by in an instance before the behemoth of a golem fell to the ground. We all seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as I my self slumped to the floor. I soon felt a hand on my shoulder. "Good going in there!" A high pitch voice called out to me.

I recognized Zojja standing over me with a smile on her face. "I didn't do much of anything... it looks like I missed most of the fight." I said, a bit ashamed of the truth.

"You did more then you know." She beamed. "You got every one to stand their ground when the golem came out of no where!"

I felt the color rise to my cheeks. "It wasn't a big deal."

She slapped me on the back and smiled even wider it seemed. "Modest are we? Well weather you believe it or not, keep up the good work." She said before wondering off.

I stared at her for a moment as she walked away. It was too much for one day, with all that happened. All I wanted right now was a warm bath and a soft bed....

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