Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nefidean: Agony of Defeat

A part of me wishes he never dragged me here. The charr on their own are abrasive and gruff. Of course I am not saying that they are all bad, some can be quite charming when they want to be. Being around them feels like there is an elephant in the room, an oppressing feeling that one must always guard what they say. True most Charr would take little reason to start a fight. Their blood lust has been insatiable. I fear them to be honest, though there are humans who hold the same blood lust, so I can not hold this against them. Still Luptree could only view them as precious little kittens that needed to played with and loved.

He had sent me a message via owl from Lion's Arch while I was still finishing in the Celadon Woods near the Matricia Provence. The letter was normal enough and contained a few jewels that I immediately crafted in some jewelry, but after sending a share of the spoils to Luptree for his kindness, he sent a more disturbing letter back in return. The letter it self was barely a scrawl and the hand writing barely legible. I grew concerned of course, and my fears were confirmed when I found him laying in a fountain near the Asura portals. I could only shake my head and sigh at the sight at him.

He startled me when he awoke suddenly and started to sigh in realize. "That is re freshing." I heard him say.

"Don't tell me you drink from your feet!" I asked in disbelief.

"Sometimes. It makes it really awkward when I walk though something really nasty." He said bashfully rubbing the leaves on the back of his head.

I grimaced thinking of the thought. "That... that is more information than I needed to know."

"How was The Grove." He asked. 

"It was okay. I still don't understand why you want to go stay away. Every one was truly lovely, and I was granted audience briefly with the Pale Tree's Avatar. She's very pretty...." I could start to tell he wasn't paying attention to me any more.

"I came from the Pale Tree. The grove is where the mental link is the strongest and I would really like to keep my mind as my own for the time being. It's hard enough when sharing the telepathic link with other plants."

"Other plants?" The idea had never occurred to me before.

"Yes, near all plants have a telepathic link to the Pale Tree. Do you know what I hear every time we run through a field."

"What do yo hear." I asked, though I could probably already guess.

"Ow, ow ow OW! Seriously do you know how many blades of grass our feet touch when we step on them?"

He didn't continue with the sentence, and I was thankful of that. I can't imagine that a blade of grass would be in pain for stepping on it... no more then my hair would scream from the pulling it. Though I could understand the sentiment. "Surely Hoelbra would be a diffrent story. There would be little family relations there." I began.

"No, but I went there once and nearly froze to death."

"I'm sure it's not that bad."

"If you started rotting like celery in an ice box, you wouldn't want to go back either."

Some jeers from a nearby crowd seemed to unsettle Luptree a little bit. "So what have you been doing since I've been traveling?" I asked trying to reassure him

"Nothing much. Also that dye I had sent you, don't try drinking."

I could feel the horror creep over my face. "Don't tell me you tried drinking that!" I heard my self shout.

"Only to prove it wasn't alcoholic."

"That doesn't mean it's good for you! Who knows what could have been in it. It could have been toxic! Have you ever thought about that?"

"It was distilled plant fibers, how could that be alcoholic? Besides do you want an..."

I couldn't hear what he had said I could only shake my head in disbelief. He was like a grown child, immature and reckless. So I have no idea why I had even though my next question was even logical. "So what were you planing on doing now."

"Kitties! I was planing on going to the Black Citadel. I heard it was filled to the brim with kitties, and I want to scurff them, and pet them, and give them cups of milk!"

A roar of laughter came from the crowd. "You are crazy! How many times do I have to tell you, that will get you killed talking to a Charr like that! They're not little cute kitties... aw fluffies you ran off didn't you!" I said noticing he had already made his way towards the Asura Gate. I could only groan in frustration before following after him.

I fallowed Luptree through the portal. He was way too eager for this, and was gone before I even materialized on the Black Citadel's steel earth. I stared around for a moment taking in the sight. The sight of the citadel, the sheer fact that I was in the middle of the Charr capital. The fear struck me through the core. I must of have shown more then I dared because near by Charr started to snarl and jeer at me only to laugh as I scurried away like a mouse in the house run by cats. I did not like it there. 

Luptree seemed to have been oblivious to it. I eventually found him begging a few Charr to let him pet them. They seemed angry at him and shouted, and dare I say hissed, in furry at such a degrading request. I was thankful that not a one of them attempted to place a hand on the sapling. I had a small feeling that if we got out of this city safe and sound he would not survive unscathed. I at least would beat him senseless for the heart attack he was causing me now. I had to drag him away by force before he did get himself killed. 

When I had stopped I found that I had dragged Luptree to the ruinous area of Rin. I felt strong emotions welling up  inside of me. Rin was told about in the history books as one of the first settlements overtaken by the Charr and the Grawl even before the Great Searing. My hands grazed over the aged rock. I could feel the tears fall from my face, as the rock made me strangely homesick. I could only think of the times that people used to live happily here. And now the ground was barren and dry from the wars that were fought over it. I feared that some time down the road, that even Queensdale and Divinity's Reach will fall under the Centaur onslaught. If hundreds of years our enemy would be found dancing on the graves of our ancestors. Eating and drink with their own traditions with out a thought of the people they slew to take the land. 

I tried to not burden my self with hate and anger. It's a hard and depressing thought and emotionally straining to not be angry at the living for what the dead have done. I could not fringe ignorance when everything reminded me of what had happened before. My heart ached inside and I could not help but envy Luptree for his innocence. He did not have enemies like mine. He could appreciate the Charr in their simplest form. At least having him here beside me made the pain a bit easier. It made me feel less alone. He reminded me there still hope in the world, and still green earth to love. At least I can be thankful for that.

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