Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Luptree: Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just A Plant In A Haze

My day started strangely. I was wandering around the children’s shopping mall of Rata sum and I found a small girl, meekly searching for her parents. I hope she got home OK, she disappeared the moment I called security. The Fashion boutiques in Rata Sum are so forward thinking, making your own designer shops to skip the middlemen…. Brilliant! Or I may have wandered into a sweatshop. Still they let me keep my work so I journeyed on my way. Outside I met these adorable little geniuses of creatures called the Skritt. I was sent to administer them IQ tests and lollipops. They liked the lollipops better than the tests but they all scored fairly highly, teaching me the value of shinnies and cheese along the way.

A bit after I was wandering the various playgrounds and fun houses and came across one that said Inquest Northern Complex, I didn’t think much of it until I heard a scream from within. It was Nefi. I darted, as fast as my rooted feet would take me through the double doors, and things began to blur, I heard murmurings of “Kill the plantman,” And “Don’t let him destroy our super awesome atomic robot of doom”

I ran past the super awesome atomic robot of doom, it was meh. Sirens blared, “Unidentified lifeform detected” was shouted over the loudspeaker.

I kept running everything froze, it was like time just stopped. When I came to Nefi was lying across the room and I was knocked on the floor beside her.

“If you are ok, blink once, or twice… It doesn’t really matter how many times you blink, just blink.” I said.

Her eyes did not open. I must have taken this as naptime because I ended up falling into a deep sleep. Dreaming is a strange thing for me. The Sylvari start as dreams and not enough is known about us or our lifespans to give any insight whatsoever what our dreams will become. I did not want to reproduce right now so I dreamed of Nefi and I, the Free Winds we had taken to calling ourselves. A temporary partnership that renews every time our paths cross. We wandered into a cave and I became a bunny… then woke up in “Nuke u lar power plant” that was overrun with fish and wolves. I’m pretty sure this wasn’t “Waking up” waking up because I was still a bunny at times. With cute whiskers and a puffy tail. I was so cute fighting those chaos elementals.

Then Nefi bent down to pet me and said “Wake up Luptree”

It sounded odd, it started soothing and gentle but was followed by a shout “WAKE UP!”

I snapped to attention, Nefi was fighting over my head. I appeared on all sides of the Golumn she was fighting as she got to her feet. Being a mesmer is fun like that. One minute you are by yourself and they next you are providing yourself with infinite amounts of company. Life is always great when you can send yourself to get milk or go fight the hulking giant in the room. One moment Nefi was ripping out the leaves in my head trying to wake me up (not the best way to get a haircut but it doesn’t look too bad) and the next I had everything under control. Golums were exploding kindergarteners were crying. It was like the one time the Dream of Dreams tried making up a craft day and had the good sense to hand me a mirror, which is when I think I may have become a Mesmer…Or Dream Mesmer, or Dresmer? No that’s not right…. It’s when I became something more than a by product of toxic ooze and anvil cleaner being dumped on the pale trees roots.

“We meet again” I said.

“We Do” Nefi did not realize I was staring at myself, “So what are you doing here?”

I was quickly pulled out of my daze. “The usual, traveling, I’m going to need to get moving again soon, I’m a little too close to Mommy and I really don’t want her finding me”

“The Pale Tree” she asked, meekly.

“Yes her. I have spent my entire life in her head, I really do not want to go back”

“I don’t think it works that wa…”

“Ok, so a telepathic tree with a city in her innards and penchant for giving random thoughts and figments life.”

“Fine” She said trying to sound resolute but I’m pretty sure she was just trying to shut me up. I remember many a “Fine” like that from the Great Dream.

“So where are you going?”

“I’m thinking Kyta”

“You can do that one on your own, too cold.” I wilted a little last time I tried visiting the Norn homeland, I wasn’t about to risk premature browning again

“Then Til’ we meet again” and we parted at that...

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