Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lupp McGinnis: I Think I'll Sleep This One Off.

Somewhere in the skull bashing and glory seeking, that little twerp left me.  Guideless and whistless I went to the local cantina to wet my whistle, thats where I found her.

"There you are" I said though hazy eyes, she was wearing a hood so all I could see was her chin and nose.

"Excuse me" I heard the girl say as she looked up.  Her eyes blue and hair red, unlike the pink haired green eyed science brat I met before.  Aside from that their faces were uncanny, but definatly different people.  This girl ordered a drink, gulped from the bottle and belched aloud.

"Pardon" she excused herself, "So what brings a shaggy guy like you to a place like this"

"I came to research Ashuran weapons to help the char, but I ended up getting stuck with some science geek who took me to the fricking science fair"

"You've just described about half the people in this place.  However, if you stick around long enough you are bound to see some explosions, I've caused a few myself."

"Yeah well now I'm stuck here, guideless and no farther in my studies of blowing stuff up"

"Well I am not one for the sciences, but I have a few skulls to bash in.  I wouldn't make a good guide but if you were in the mood for a battle, you can come along if you'd like"

I cracked my Knuckles, I hadn't seen action in a while, "Ok I'm up for it."  I liked this girl.

The next few hours were a haze of blood and excitement.  We fought, drank, and fought again.  I even got to taste a few of those delicious Skrit the area is known for (those rodents are considered a delecasy at the Black Citadel), I even brought my portable barbecue flame thrower to cook them while I was fighting them. Theres nothing like eating a fully cooked fresh kill.

After a while we came across the ultimate happy hour.  A snakeoil salesman was making a wicked slime brew that could knock a grown char off his feet and leave him in a drunken haze for a week.  It sounded amazing, problem was it was still alive.  I had to kill it and cap it and eventually I would get to drink it.  This girl and I fought  like our lives and mugs depended on it, killing tiny slime after tiny slime until something hit me.  It hit the girl too so hard we both collapsed  her first then me.  my head landed on top of her with a mighty thud.

"That guy was right, that is some drink, hey you make a good pillow"

She mentioned something about drool.

"I could go for a good Lions Gate Rum chaser right now"

"You broke the wine bottle and stop" she mentioned drool again.

"Or a good Norn stout, those Norn are like master brewers"

She whined some more.

"none of that human garbage though, that stuff is skale piss"

She sounded like she was going to whine again but then " Yeah, that human stuff is garbage, also stop" and again with the drool.

I blacked out shortly after, either  there was a mesmer fighting over my head or I was seeing quadrupal, either way I passed out there and then.

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